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Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken 3 book set!

A combo collection of All Three Hardcover Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken collections, from Top Shelf Publishing. You wanted all the silly? YOU GOT IT.

PPvsNC Book 1! Troublems with Frenemies

The book that started it all! It's all this book's fault! Does not contain Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken's origin story, it's just them doing stuff.


Road Trippy Novel eBook

A full length novel, with hardly any pictures, about snakes and paperclips and murder. Not for kids! Still very funny!

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You Can Lead A Horse To Water eBook

Centaur romance in the big city! Easily the most relationshippy thing Ray has ever drawn. Written by Chris Cherry. 16 pages, Black and White. Downloadable PDF.

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A to Z asaurus eBook

A dino guide with teeth! 26 of the best dinosaurs ever, with fantastic illustrations and hilarious facts and opinions. This is a digital edition, you will get a downloadable PDF file, and not a physical copy. 56 pages, full color.

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Spice Explorers eBook

Two sets of comics involving space and eating food. One from a human perspective, the other from an alien perspective. Ray will figure this out eventually. 8 pages, Black and White and a couple pages in color. Downloadable PDF.

Pirate Penguin vs Ninja Chicken Plushies

Your fuzzy frienemies in real fuzzy life, for swordplay and snuggling– your choice.

PPvsNC2 Book 2: Escape from Skull Fragment Island

Silly comics about birds with swords. Autographed by Ray! Hardcover physical book. 120 pages, Full Color.

Fairy Tales I Just Made Up

Snarky Bedtime Stories For Weirdo Children! Illustrated by the best artists I could blackmail. Hardcover, Full Color, 80 pages.

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Ghost Town eBook

A spooky ghost story, full of murder blood! Easily the most gruesome thing Ray has ever drawn. Rated at least PG13. BEWARE! Written by Joe Heath, it's all his fault. 10 pages, Black and White. Downloadable PDF.

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Cats Committing Crimes eBook

An anthology of felonious feline comics, featuring all of Ray's Friends*! written by a bunch of people, drawn by a bunch of other people. Orchestrated by Ray Friesen. This is a digital edition, you will get a downloadable PDF file, and not a physical copy. 60 pages, black and white.

Terry Pratchett's Small Gods

The beloved Discworld novel by Sir Terry Pratchett brought to life by Ray Friesen in graphic novel format. Autographed by the Illustrator. Hardcover physical book, 120 pages, full color.

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PPvsNC Book 3! Macaroni & Bees!

The flightless fighting friends are back! The bouncy battle birds have 64 pages of full color hardcover goodness ready for you!

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ThunderLizard Ranch: Three volume Set

The adventures of Fernberry and their 5 Grandmas on their science-powered dinosaur farm.  Ages 4+ 

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The Princess and the Pterodactyls eBook

In a vaguely medieval setting, a hardboiled and bookish young princess dreams of a daring escape from her stupid wedding. The plan involves precision timing, punching, and of course, a swarm of pterodactyls. Ray cowrote this novel with his friends Joe and Vince. It has no pictures, but some swearing. 120ish pages. Downloadable PDF

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Marmaduke Mousington eBook

Ray teamed with the estate of Josh Kirby to finish the great painter's never before seen children's book. Victorian Mouse Time Travel Sillyness! This is the eBook edition, you will received a downloadable PDF, not a physical book. 60 pages, Full Color.

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Flamboozled! A Tbyrd Fearlessness eBook

Some comics that fell off the interweb! Everything never before printed from everyone's favorite ostrich cowboy conman. Hopalong Cassowary is there too! 44 pages, half color. Downloadable PDF.

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3 Book Comic Collection

Three of Ray's earlier graphic novels: Another Dirt Sandwich, Cupcakes of Doom, and Piranha Pancakes. get 'em while they last! (Ray's first two books, Cheese Related Mishap and Yarg are now SOLD OUT) 


Nearly 300 pages of comics!

(Cover price $36)

© 2024 Ray Friesen

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